USDDN European Championship 2019It was 2018, when I knew, that Italy probably will be to far to go for the European Championships for Disc Dogs in 2019. We did not follow the registration, we missed the (first) deadlines. Then I was invited to be the judge for the Quadruped (Distance). That changed it all. We were going, the whole family.
Our family has 5 dogs, but 2 are in the age of active sports carrier. Wunjo and Berkan. Wunjo is almost 6 year old Australian Shepherd female that is (now its 6) a 7 run SPTF dog, but has never been a stable catcher. Its either her day or not. We have won various Baltic championship events, but the results jump up and down. Berkan on the other hand is precise but rather slow. Sometimes we get 6 throws, sometimes it 5 or even 4…
We had a good Latvian championship 2019, then we failed at Russian Championship (like totally, including my fault) and then we failed the Lithuanian SPTF event… in drawback, Wunjo was 3rd (split) after round one of SPTF at the Euro 2016 (further drawback – Ansuz was 1st). We ended that event in 64th and 5th place… A total fail by Wunjo and my inexperience at that time that costing us a better score Ansuz in round 2… Ansuz passed away at the age of 5 that year, with out a chance to return. That was “eating” me alive till now… That dog was all to me.
Before the event most were (locals) saying that we have to go for a medal… how? Wunjo PB is 42,5 points and that was last year… She is fast but not super precise. One work colleague said that I will not know my chances till I will be there...
We set out on Monday and drove till Czech Republic, where we spent the night an Ansuz father Casanova and Berkan mothers house. We had a chance to meet the dogs in early morning. When you see a reflection of what you have had (Casanova), its emotional. That dog himself is a legend. Getting old, but what a dog! Thank you Ivana!
We drove till our Bed&Breakfast till the end of Tuesday. Had a trip to the Bologna city center on Wednesday, prepared for Quadruped on Thursday and saw the SPTF field also.
I will not get to much in the details of the Quadruped, just will mention that our good Lithuanian neighbor friend Marius and Lucky got 12th place in mens division with a personal best with 110gr disc and additionally I would like to thank Krisztián Bencze for trying to help to improve the event! Thank you!
Before that (Quadruped) it was the opening ceremony. Being in the field with Latvian flag and just being back… and my wife also marching along... just held it together. Thank you Maria Chiara Pizzi (Charlie) for making it possible!
Our starts were scheduled for Friday (Round 1) after the lunch break in SPTF. It was all ready planed that Sandra will get them from the hotel “fresh” (air conditioned rooms), we will just walk them and let sit in the cooling vests. Wunjo was the first to go and Berkan to follow in 5-7 players. Marius had allready played, but the video on his phone was damaged so we only knew that all discs were cought and he was in the range of 20 points. So… Wunjo turn. She is let knows what treats will follow after her round. She accepts the challenge

I still dont know how, but I was ok with what ever result we will have. Yes, I hoped that we will score the personal best, but I had prepared for the usual. If it will be a fail, it will be ok. So… We go to the line, and I send out the dog to soon, judges are not ready. My bad. That does not affect anything since she just runed 3m. We get the green, waited a bit and go. See it for your self: throw to the right, but she does not catch it… in my mind – well, we have 5 more, but it will be a miracle if we do it…
For the rest of throws I did not know the scores… I thought they all are in 4 point zone...
Second – center no jump
Third – to the left but with a jump
Forth – center… no idea about the jump at that time, but I knew that I had scored at least one 5 afterwards
Fifth – center, again not sure about the jump
it was 11 or seconds before the last throw, so I gave her 5 second rest and sent out for the last one…
Sixth – jump, just out of center…
Of course I was happy, she did get 5 scored catches. Did not care how much points. It was 5 catches. When I counted from the video I thought its about 21,5-22,5 (I was not sure if any are in center and with a jump and one looked to be in 3 point zone). I was just with huge expectations. It should be enough for the Top70.
Now it was Berkan turn. Video got crashed and I cant remember the throws perfectly. I know that he could have speeded up a bit more for the first throw as he did not get it just just. We scored 4+ in second… failed the 3rd… and got 2 more catches at 4ish zone. At the end it was 11 points. Its not his PB, but he did run for all the discs in new environment and that was a positive since he had refused to do so this season. Its not easy to start with 2 dogs, since not all 100% of you attention go to one… He and me are still to learn to get a better score. But we will get to the 40+. We will do it

Now it was the wait… since results were released only on Saturday… it was an off day for dogs on Saturday (we took them to the stadium, kept them cool and hydrated). Besides the Quadruped I went and saw a bit of the Freestyle. Saw how some dogs give their all just to try to get the disc… that was a kickback to 2016… still held it together.
We stayed in the same hotel as Pat Nadarajah. What a positive person! Chatted about dogs and Discdogs (of course) and other things (less). At one point it was a talk about judges… and I said I have no license… and she was like, I can give you a test! Well, I did the test and so did Marius. We passed. Pat said its easy, but still, you have to pass

So now officially I can be a SPTF judge. That is nice! But that was Friday… we are talking about Saturday. Results were released before the treasure hunt game… or after… honestly I dont remember as we had a blast playing that game.
Wunjo was in split 7-11 place with 23 points. Thats more then I had expected. Marius was 38th with 20 and Berkans had scored 11 points and was way of his PB and not in the finals.
We were in FINALS. As I had posted in the FB – with a fighting chance.
Looked at the schedule, we were supposed to start at 13.30, so we got the dogs by the same plan to the field as before…. Only to find out that the start has shifted by 1+h… well…. What can you do. Cool the dogs and wait. What I had learned from 2016 is that it will be what it will be…. There is no point to plan the throws as it just will not work. Yes, remember not to overstep the line and do a decent first throw. That all. I had done a couple goes (2-3 discs at the time) and that it. Someone was throwing practice throws all day… There is no point to plan how many points you need or count other points. I had been to worked up in 2016… and I lost then. I had no expectations except hoping for PB.
Anyway, it was our go… we went and throwed. did not take the first disc again… knowing we have 5 more throws only… that puts pressure… but somehow I was chill and said to myself, that we can repeat the the round one. All she has to do is get the discs, as I put all 6 in the 5point zone. She jumped for 2. Again, I did not know the score. Marius was more excited then me. I went on to film other participants and did not look at the video. I was happy as I believed that we will be in top10. I knew that Michaela Andrová has won as I did not see anyone do better. I remember how Sergey Gurov from 10th got a medal in 2016, but I did not see that for me and Wunjo. In 2016 I asked for advice what to do in the finals, and when he got to know I have 1 and 3rd result he said its over. He did not mean anything bad, but he was true. This time he gave me advice just to get 24,5 points for the win. That was almost true. I believe when he said on Russian championships that we are capable to get more than our failed score… he meant it. That was a positive boost then. To round it up… we had scored a PB… probably 45+points, but its always that close that you cant predict anything. I chose to believ only in top10. I did try to keep the dog cool in case of throw off (Golden disc). I understood that its a playoff for 2-3 place, 5-7 and 8-9… thats what I understood. Since I was not called out, I still thought that cool – its top 10. A little chance of 4th was always in my mind, but…
After the second round I went for a walk alone and I lost it. The pressure of 2,5 years was off (self inflicted)… I broke down. I cried… that we could do it and that he is gone. Wunjo had taken the legacy and was back herself in the top. I can provide the throws, but the dogs have to do the catches. Together we once had done it. With confidence. Maybe the first time ever with her. With doubts but we had done it. I still filmed all the top 20 freestyle and then the wait again.
For the awards I sat next to Pat and she asked me if I had ever been a qualifier… I said yes, in 2016… no she said, have I done this year, since she put me down as one. At that moment I thought cool, that confirms the top10 (8 with all the alternates)… I believed a bit more in the top4. I said that I never much believed in that we can score what we did… she said that I trusted the dog and it did not let me down. She smiled. I still did not know.
The judges were called out and thanked for work and all were given a framed picture of ourselfs… mine was with Ansuz… I kept it together again not to break down.
So they announced the SPTF Qualifyer results… the podium… 3rd Yachi Hirai, to whom out of respect I had shaken the hand after his second round… and then we are called…. I did not understand, but then it hit me. We had done enough for 2nd! Me and WUNJO. WUNJO! After the podium I did lose it once more… Maybe the last time, maybe not. Anyway, our dogs were back in top. I do not care that we did not won, we did our PB and got a medal at World largest event!
Wunjo, Wunjo!
p.s. I would like to thank a lot of people for making this possible! My wife Sandra at first! Kids, who managed the 24+24h car ride. My father for looking after the house and our old dogs, Marius for being a great great Baltic teammate and friend, my workplace for supporting me and many many many other possitive people of the event with Charlie as the main one! And Katri for trusting us with Wunjo the years back. I said she will be a frisbee dog!