Part 1
As always we start our season full of hopes! Its Jeras second season, Berkans 5 full season and Fehu is just in development.
The pre-season training was not long, but we had put in work. Main goal was to fight for Ansuz CUp and do well at ECH. Well, lets see how we did...
1st event - May in Lithuania.
I think we started wit the start in SPTF... it was windy, but manageable. But not for Berkans taste... we had miserable first round of 5 points, with slight improvement in second of 16,5.
Jera did even worse... 9 in first and did not run on second... cool

That had set up all ready a failure for the rest of event... Bullseye - Berkans 2 drops and Jera... 14 points with refusal to run at end...
Distance... 50,2m for Berkans and 0 for Jera... just to end the day with misery. Additionally we played Time Trial, but that was even worse. Not a great start... For fun:
The event was great itself. Latvian Sabīne had finally signed up for a full season. Egijs had a debut and Dagnija and Karina were present, but we were missing Linda, who had taken a hiatus year. Still, it was a start.
2nd event - Dino Zoo Cup Latvia
It was a complete comeback... Berkans did PB at SPTF - 40 points (could have been even a bit more) that placed us 2nd, Jera had no improvement since start of season. Bullseye was better: 43 points and again 2nd, with Jelizaveta and Voit placing 3rd with same score. There was no distance at this event, but we played TimeWarp and Frizgility - Both of them did great at round 1 in FG, but kind of failed on second... Frizgility was for fun and not a result to show much for.
But the main takeaway was Berkans had done what he does at home and a good-ish score at SPTF.
3rd event - Estonia
It was a rather small event, but with some quit good scores. We took the SPTF with caution going for 27m mark. Did it pay off, not sure... we did score 41 points, what is great and had 6 runs with Berkan, and also Jera showed decent runs - 29 points overal. Berkans had scored 2nd place again.
Bullseye - our seasons best 47 points. also nice score for Jera of 35 points.
Berkans surprised with decent jumps and catches in FG - we placed 3rd. It was a fluke of otheres, but medal is medal.
Distance in a quit small field... that was limited to ~70m. We did manage somehow to win, with 58,7m. He did run very very slow... but did the catches.
So, we were back in the season standings and things looked great for the second part of the season... or so it seamed!